BOS Ice Tea Bush Phone

Developed 08.03.2019

The Bush Phone is a project we worked on with Herd Africa for Bos Ice Tea USA. This formed part of BOS' stand at the Expo West in L.A. Stand was designed by the talented Heidi Chrisholm (@heidi.chisholm).


Each can was custom built and plays nature sounds when holding the can up to your ear. It is a novel way of bringing nature to where the audience member is listening from, in this instance a trade show. The soundtracks represented what you would find on the BOS farms in South Africa.

For this project we designed and build the electronics and internals for the Bush Phone. Working with a cylinder proved to be more difficult than first anticipated. We use 5 MP3 players connected with audio splitters to break apart the audio into multiple channels, 20 in total. This had to be light-weight and follow air travel regulations as it was transported from South Africa to LA. We hand soldered each audio cable and connector to get the right aesthetic. It's these little details that makes this project stand out.